Wednesday, May 21, 2008

She can't dance, but she sure can sing

Kind of a weak outing for after-game beverages from the Weaselhawks following the triumphant opener. Five total -- c'mon, we can do better than that. (We did out-number the other team, though).

Although she didn't play (bum knee), and came to the game with a dead battery in her camera, official Weaselhawks photographer Katy Gerdes totally came through at the karaoke mic, contributing a killer version of Jackson that would make A Nassif jealous.


Weaselhawks said...

And Jamie Parker sure kicked some ass with his rendition of "Easy". Good to see that Natalie is not afraid to run the basepaths, but one would hope that the Weaselhawks' coach would represent at the mic.

katy said...

I can dance! Just not at the moment...

Sorry about totally slacking on my photog duties the last few games. I'll be better!