Friday, May 16, 2008

May 13; Weaselhawks v Fischer Edit

A fine debut for the 2008 Weaselhawk squad, in spirit if not in numbers. We were a little short on players, but we managed with the help of our new coach, Natalia Schaefer. Yes, that's Natalie "Sure, I'll coach as long as you promise I'll never have to play" Schaefer. She played. And she shone brightly. For that she has earned the game ball. Also much props to the other Weaselhawk newbie, April. Another damn fine debut.

While we needed Natalie to get to the required minimum of players, we were still better off than Fischer Edit. They didn't have enough, so we technically won by forfeit. But don't let that technically fool you. We swooped ass, 13-0. In your face, editors of Fisch!

The other game ball goes to Craig Phillips for throwing more strikouts than I've seen since the end of the steroid era of softball. Mainly he gets the award for his sliding effort and Three Stoogian baserunning.

>>thanks for the wrap, JP. But I'm calling my own play of the game for K.Lamm with the unassisted double play at third. KAH^2! -Jake

1 comment:

makeready said...

The Weaselhawks can afford to give away multiple game balls because they didn't actually provide an official blue dot gameball. Lucky not to get fined by the league equipment supervisor.