Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Weaselhawks Extinguish Cardinal

Holy crap, Batman. Talk about some major AASL excitement. After losing the game to Martin/Williams, the Weaselhawks took the usual 20 minutes of hanging around the field (and finishing off the Gluek's) to decide on a trip to The Cardinal for after-game culinary treats and refreshing beverages.

Just before settling up on the tab and departing, Weaselhawks Fire Marshall Megan Leafblad noticed flames rising from the back of the building. After 911-ing the MFD, Leafblad and fellow gawker Katy Gerdes met the fire trucks in the parking lot to supervise the local firefighters.

Lesson learned. Always have a pitcher of water at the table. We would never want to waste good beer on a fire.

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