Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pint Half Full

sez KG:

but... if my calculations are correct, tonight was game #9 and last week was a rain-out... we've won 4 and lost 4, which puts us at a "500" which I believe is better than the Twins so far. Sweet!

Please correct my lame-ass baseball knowledge if that is wrong. :)


Hell, yeah, we're not just The Funnest Team In The AASL™, We're 2-2-2 (W/L/F).

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Range of motion training

What Weaselhawk among us could not use a little more reach?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Smooth KAH-riminals

Saudi royal family dropping by for game 8. Hijab is optional.

Friday, June 12, 2009

WH offsite in San Tropez

San Tropez: Good tunes, great dancers, snappy dressers; our kind of people. Plz pre-pay $10k/plyr.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Performance enhancing

WH: it's clear we need more training.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Psychedelics fuel Hawks to 2-3 record

Still the "Funnest Team In The AASL(TM)," obviously. Season wrapup: We kicked Carmichael Lynch's ass big-time in the first game of the season. Then some other team beat us. Then some other team cheated and beat us. Then maybe someone else won, but last week, we kicked the shit out of (took a forfeit from) ASMP. We like those guys. There will be links to some stuff that Tony Nelson's up to soon.

We see the league through our own lens. Every game has a different look. And every pitch looks, well, a little distorted sometimes.