Fellow Weaselhawks --
Like a warm splash of Hamm's after yer second strike out, the '09 season has arrived with surprising speed and a hint of bitterness. Judging from our '08 record, we must have been cheated in every imaginable way by those agency assaholics.
Now calm down, calm down: here's your chance to get even.
Game 1 is April 28th, a mere 19 days away. '09 is promising to be a lot like '08, but with less losing:
- Every Tuesday at 6 or 7:15, 4/28 through at least 7/27
- Same fields
- Probably about $50 a head
- The same friendly faces:
W: Megan, Katherine, Sarah, Allie, Oona, Kris, Jessica, Colleen, April, Natalie, Kady, Teresa, Danielle
M: Dave, Matt, Craig, Travis, Jamie, Rollie, Witt, Joe, Marc, Jake
Please comment below and let us know if you're in or out. If you would like to participate but are likely to miss more than a couple games, please note that as well.
I know there are a few interested newcomers out there. May I suggest we wait until we know who's returning before we make formal invitations. In addition, the Cougars (who we scrimmaged with last May) are short a lot of players this year and have proposed merging us into an unbeatable Dream Team. Unless we lose a lot of people, this could be unwieldy. But maybe some Hawks want to become Cougars? The door is open.
Please comment/commit as soon as you can.
-- Your ever-lovin' Beverage Manager